Email marketing is by far one of the most effective marketing strategies, especially for online trading companies that offer courses, mentorship programs, indicators, live trading sessions, and 1-on-1 consultation calls, among other services.
In this blog, we are going to share some of our marketKing email marketing secrets that allow our clients to see incredible sales as well as boosted revenue.
But before we get to some of the juicy email marketing secrets we keep as our hidden war weapon for our army of clients, we first have to discuss what email marketing really is…
Email marketing is much more than marketing; it is communication, it is a sniper, shooting your list in the middle of their day, stopping them in their tracks to hear what you have to say.
So, you want to make sure whatever you are communicating is worth reading, otherwise you will just be wasting 5 minutes of their time and that’s not what you want.
You want them to read, and feel like you care, you value them, and you want them to succeed in whatever endeavour they are busy with (in our case, trading).
One thing that the majority of companies are getting wrong with email marketing, especially in the online trading industry, is that they look at the word ‘marketing’ and think that they should create emails with fancy templates and graphics with special offers and discounted prices all over the place…
Yes, there is a place for that, but the key to email marketing is not to expose too much information.
That is why your product pages and sales pages are there; you don’t want your email to do the work of the actual page where the purchase happens.
Instead, you want to focus on intrigue, curiosity, and the click.
You want to sell the click!
Always remember this.
Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s uncover some of the secret marketKing sauce you need to effectively sell the click to take your email subscriber to the relevant product page or sales page.
Before even opening up a Google sheet to draft your email you need to have your research document next to you, at all times, all the hard-hitting copy that you are going to use, is going to come from your in-depth research document.
If you don’t have one yet and want to discover our research like a king methodology click here
Step 1: Think about the actual communication you want to send out.
What do you want to say to the person reading, and how are you going to be creative in your wording to make your reader feel like you are writing to them alone?
Step 2: What is the one big idea that you are going to focus on in the entire email?
You don’t want to hop between ideas, you want to focus on one big and powerful idea.
Step 3: What emotions can you trigger inside your reader to want to know more about the one big idea that you are communicating to them without exposing too much?
Step 4: How are you going to get your reader’s attention with the first line of your email, so that your reader wants to keep reading?
Step 5: How are you going to intrigue the one idea so that your reader stays eyes locked on the screen to the end of the email?
Step 6: How are you going to frame the solution you have to that one specific problem that your reader needs solved?
Step 7: What creative angle are you going to use as a CTA to get your reader to click and go to the product page or sales page to purchase?
If you define each of these steps thoroughly, you will be able to write an impactful email that would get your reader fired up and ready to get into your world.
Remember, you don’t want your reader to get the idea that you are trying to sell them something in the email; you want to speak to them in a language that they understand, a language that moves them, and a language that gets them to feel they need whatever is behind the click.
You want to sell without selling.
By training yourself to think in this way, and writing more frequently, seeing how your audience reacts to your emails will guide you to refine your skills and your ability to see their behavioural patterns which will enable you to make even more sales.
This approach will help you to load your sales guns, and assist you in conquering like a King!
With good energy,
marketKing (Jacques and André Leonard)